What does it take to fill a care home in today’s market? In our latest research, powered by Carterwood Collab, we’ve worked to uncover the drivers that matter.
Drawing on three years’ worth of data, our latest report shows fill rates for homes during their first 36 months of operation. This offers you a unique view of how fill rates evolve on a month-by-month basis.
Check out the key findings below, and download the full report for a detailed analysis of fill rates across the UK.

Fill rates over first 24 months of operation average 1.7 per month
Care home fill rates are typically strongest in the first six months due to the appeal of a new facility and effective marketing. However, as homes mature, occupancy growth slows due to resident turnover.
On average, it takes 2.5 to 3.25 years to fill a new 70-bed home, requiring 2-3 times its capacity in admissions.
Key findings:
- Market – setting the scene: Location matters
Care homes in areas with significant demand for beds tend to outperform their peers. Our data highlights that markets with stronger wealth profiles are also more likely to sustain higher fill rates.
- Asset – the role of facilities and fit: Design matters
Homes that are well designed, with a variety of lifestyle facilities attract new residents more effectively. Families are looking for vibrant homes for their elderly relatives.
- Operational – strategies that shape success: Timing matters
Our data shows that when you open your care home can impact fill rates, alongside pricing, and whether or not the home provides nursing care.
Download the full report to see the data in more detail.
What’s Next?
From market factors to operational excellence, our research shows that care home fill rates are influenced by a complex web of variables. However, with the right data, you can significantly improve the chances of your care home succeeding.
Download the report and talk to our team and find out how we can help you supercharge your decision-making.
Email info@carterwood.co.uk or call us on 01454 838038.